Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

the fUNNIES are located at

Comments & Contributors

  • ·      Tom Sokolowski - THIS IS THE BEST Patsy Cline Lip Synch from a High School REUNION
  • ·      Feedblitz – Getting Warmer
  • ·      Denny Adams – Jet Fuel
  • ·      SymanSays – Just a Smile or Two
  • ·      Barbara Rosenberg – Pig L
  • atin
  • ·      FeedBlitz – Ha Ha
  • ·      Elyse Klein – Test Your Memory
  • ·      cousin Eliane – Oldster Cartoons
  • ·      Chuck Hopf – The Story of My Life
  • ·      Sokolowski -  Every Dad's Dream Daughter

From  Tom Sokolowski - THIS IS THE BEST Patsy Cline Lip Synch from a High School REUNION


From Feedblitz – Getting Warmer


From Denny Adams – Jet Fuel
 Bud and Jim were a couple of drinking buddies who worked as airplane mechanics in Atlanta. One day the airport was fogged in and they were stuck in the hangar with nothing to do.

Bud said, “Man, I wish we had something to drink!”

Jim says, “Me too. Y’know, I’ve heard you can drink jet fuel and get a buzz. You wanna try it?” So, they pour themselves a couple of glasses of high octane hooch and get completely smashed.

The next morning, Bud wakes up and is surprised at how good he feels. In fact, he feels GREAT! No hangover! NO bad side effects, Nothing!

Then the phone rings…It’s Jim.

Jim says, “Hey, how do you feel this morning?”

Bud says, “I feel great. How about you?”

Jim says, “I feel great, too. You don’t have a hangover?”

Bud says, “No, that jet fuel is great stuff – no hangover – nothing.”

“We ought to do this more often.”

“Yeah, well, there’s just one thing….”

“What’s that?”

“Have you farted yet?”


“Well, DON’T – ’cause I’m in Phoenix!!!”

From SymanSays – Just a Smile or Two
Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you'd like to lose a half a pound right now, press 1 eighteen thousand times.

Q: What is the best material to use for a kite?
A: Fly paper

Q: How did the police find the missing barber?
A: They combed the city

"Who gave you those two black eyes?"
"No one gave them to me. I had to fight like crazy for b oth of them."

Q: What do you call a bacteriologist in Berlin?"
A: Germ Man

From Barbara Rosenberg – Pig Latin
Marcus and Yacov, two Hasidic Jews, went to Pincus the tailor for new suits.

"Pincus," Yacov said, "the last time we came to you for new suits, we told you we wanted black suits. The suits you made were not black. They were sort of dark grey maybe, but not black, We need new suits, and this time we want black suits, from the darkest cloth there is."

Pincus reached behind for a bolt of cloth and he said, "See this cloth? It is from this fabric that I make the habits for nuns. In all the world," Pincus said, fingering the bolt of fabric, "there is no blacker cloth than the cloth I make nun's habits from, and it is from this cloth that I'll make your new suits!"

A few weeks later the two Hasidic Jews were walking down the street in their new suits when they passed two nuns. Impulsively, on a whim, one of the men went up to one of the nuns. He grabbed her sleeve and held it up against his own. Then, in an angry voice, he muttered something to his friend and they both walked on.

"What did that man want?" one nun asked the other.

"I don't know," she replied. "he looked at my garment, said something in Latin, and left."

"In Latin?" asked the first nun. "What did he say?"

He said, "Marcus, Pincus fuctus."
From FeedBlitz – Ha Ha

From Elyse Klein – Test Your Memory
You'll love this photo!!

The Project of the Day at the Hebrew Home for the Aged was, “Try to create something from memory”.

From cousin Eliane – Oldster Cartoons



From Chuck Hopf – The Story of My Life

From Sokolowski -  Every Dad's Dream Daughter

© thefridayfunniesbydrbernie, 1996-today,  All Rights Reserved. If you use any of the FUNNIES contained here, please give credit to the respective author/submitter … they work hard at this creative stuff!  Thanks!

Friday, July 23, 2010